Continuing Education Course with Kim Gibilisco!
Kim Gibilisco, MFA, MA, PMA®-CPT, RYT®, Owner of MOVEMENT CoLab, LLC in NYC, returns to The Pilates Connection on November 17th and 18th for a weekend of workshops and classes, which are sure to develop your Pilates technique and teaching methods! Pilates teachers, Yoga teachers, Dance educators and movement addicts are all welcome to join us. Photo by Whitney Browne
Saturday, November 17th
Pilates Mat Class
9:00 am – 9:50 am Mat Class, $25
10 am – 1 pm “Reminding the Ribs,”© Technique/Movement Workshop 3 PMA – CECs, $120 (enroll by Oct 31 for early bird discount: $100) Increase your understandng of the thoracic spine and movement combinations to discover painless and free flowing spine movement using the Nikolias/Louis Dance Technique floor barre.
Pilates Reformer Class
2 – 2:50 pm Reformer Class Limit 8 people, $35
Pilates Reformer and Wunda Chair Class
3 – 3:50 pm Reformer/Chair Class Limit 7 people, $35
Sunday, November 18th
Pilates Reformer and Arc Class
9:00 am – 9:50 am Reformer/Pilates Arc Class, Limit 8 people, $35
10 am – 1 pm “Triangulating the Experience – how did she know to cue that?”© Teaching Methods and Materials Workshop, 3 PMA – CECs, $120 (enroll by Oct 31 for early bird discount: $100) Working in trios to assess teaching strategies and your client’s movement outcomes will awaken your intuition and enhance your teaching practice.
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